Gut Health Affects More Than You May Think.

Gut Health is Health.

1. Autoimmune Disease
Improving your gut health can help combat the common triggers of diseases and help alleviate symptoms.

2. Mental Health and Mood
If you don't have a healthy gut, you won't have a healthy mental state.

3. Hormones
If the PH in your gut is not healthy, you’re not able to nourish and stabilize your body.

4. Digestive Health
Again if the PH is off, it allows yeast and fungus to grow. Leaky gut anyone?

5. Staying Regular
The right bacteria in your gut means you're going to have regular bowel movements. (2-3 times daily)

6. Weight
Having the right ratio of good/bad gut bacteria helps to contribute to a healthy weight.

7. Energy
When your gut is unhealthy you feel tired, sluggish, and weak.

8. Your skin
Acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin issues are rooted in your GUT! Those topicals, masks, lotions, and medications are just a bandaid; they don’t actually get to the root and heal your skin problems

Ready to improve your health and happiness? Make an appointment with Jessica, our gut health specialist today!

Not sure? Google “gut health & (insert health issue here)” and you’ll find extensive info on the importance of a healthy gut.


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